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We deliver your success with your AML compliance and with AUSTRAC

We have a deep understanding of the new AML regime coming into force in 2026


In-House Experts

In-house experienced AML consultants, lawyers, and auditors


Reduce Risk

Lower your regulatory risk with AML Experts

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) Consultants, Lawyers & Auditors


Need assistance with the new AML/CTF Act reforms?

AML Experts is the partner you need – before AUSTRAC comes knocking.


Money laundering and terrorism financing are crimes that could threaten your business.

We know you want no part of these activities. And we're here to defend your integrity.

To protect your business you must have a robust compliance program. Your people must be thoroughly trained and alert to risk. And to respond to AUSTRAC you’ll need an experienced AML consultant or lawyer.


AUSTRAC operates under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act.

AUSTRAC has far reaching powers for identifying, disrupting and preventing criminal financial activity.

AUSTRAC also has extensive powers over businesses for ensuring compliance with the AML/CTF Act.

Anti-Money Laundering Services

Consulting advice, legal advice, reviews and programs from experienced AML consultants, lawyers, and auditors.

Need advice on the new AML/CTF Act reforms coming into force in 2026? With our deep knowledge of the new AML regime, we can help you with an effective response to this major reform.

When the top AML/CTF regulator comes calling, you want AML Experts in your corner.

You need high quality legal and consulting advice.

Legal advice includes the new AML/CTF Act reforms.

Every business that has an AML/CTF Program is required to have it reviewed / evaluated by an independent person regularly.

Does your ML/TF/PF Risk Assessment and AML/CTF Program meet your obligations under the new AML/CTF Act?

Does it safeguard your operations?

Is it up to date?

Industries we serve

AML industry experience in key sectors

The financial services industry is currently under the microscope. It may feel like the Government and regulatory authorities are watching every transaction and customer interaction you make.

Even though your risks may not be as high as other financial services providers, as a credit provider your business is still required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (the AML/CTF Act).

Whether you're a corporate bookmaker, an online gaming business, or provide wagering to your customers, your business attracts a lot of unnecessary attention.

Insights from our AML Experts

Browse our blog for the latest opinion and resources for business leaders.

AML/CTF Amendment Act 2024 – New definitions from 7th January 2025.

AML/CTF Amendment Act 2024 – New definitions applicable from 7th January 2025. As of 7th January, 2025 there are new definitions for: Credit Card Debit Card Derivative Issue Loan Money Qualified Accountant Security Credit card Credit card is a thing (whether real or virtual) that is one or more of the following: (a) a thing […]

AML/CTF Amendment Act 2024 – Privacy Act, 1988 applies to Tranche 2 entities

AML/CTF Amendment Act 2024 – Privacy Act, 1988 applies to Tranche 2 entities – no more small business exemption. “Modernisation & Simplification” (cough). ALL reporting entities under the AML Act, yes all, are subject to the Privacy Act, 1988. The small business exemption DOES NOT APPLY to a reporting entity under the AML Act. The […]
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