AML Consulting Advice & Compliance Support

We can help you meet your AML/CTF compliance obligations

The new AML/CTF Act is a complex piece of legislation with serious consequences if your business doesn’t comply. As we work with the AML/CTF Act every day, and follow AUSTRAC's updates, we understand exactly what your obligations are and can help your business comply efficiently and effectively.

We can assist you with the new obligations arising from the AML/CTF Amendment Act, 2024 and the new AML/CTF Rules, including:

  • Consulting advice on how to implement the new regime in your business;
  • Assistance with designing and undertaking a new & updated money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing risk assessment;
  • Assistance with design of a new AML-CTF Program which will meet the new 2026 obligations.

We work with a wide range of clients from large financial services firms to fintech startups to help them meet their requirements under the law. We have helped clients by:

  • Giving them partner level consulting advice on the AML/CTF laws and regulations.
  • Reviewing their AML/CTF procedures and policies to make sure they’re up to date with current regulatory requirements.
  • Assisting them put in place operational processes that meet the needs of their business.
  • Carrying out ML/TF/PF Risk Assessments.
  • Conducting an Independent Review or Independent Audit of their AML/CTF Program.
  • Giving them extra support when they need it most so they can meet their compliance obligations.

We're specialists in the AML/CTF Act. Unlike many larger service providers, we focus on helping businesses understand and meet their obligations under the complex AML/CTF framework. This means we have a deep technical understanding of the AML/CTF laws and regulations and know how to apply it practically within your business.

Because we focus on this area of law and compliance every day, we're able to respond to your questions and needs quickly and efficiently. We also take the time to understand your organisation so that we can provide bespoke advice that meets your needs. This means that we visit your office so we can understand your unique operational processes and business strategy. We then tailor our advice to your specific circumstances.

Our AML/CTF legal advice and compliance support services may be:

  • Protected by Legal Professional Privilege / Client Professional Privilege
  • Confidential
  • Offered on a monthly or annual fixed price retainer

If you need help meeting your AML/CTF compliance obligations get in touch and help will be on the way.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Professional advice

If you need help meeting your AML/CTF compliance obligations get in touch and help will be on the way.

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